How to recover data using Firebaserecycleradapter that has automatically generated Ids?


Viewed 118 times


am having an error using Firebaserecycleradapter, at the time of recovering the data from firebase presents this error: " Expected a List while deserializing, but got a class java.util.Hashmap"

I saw that it is something related to reading the ID created for each clinic, I am generating a key automatically for each clinic. Can anyone help me with this? How I recover the ids and show all the clinics registered at firebase?

Banco de dados no Firebase

   mFirebaseDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();

    rootReference = mFirebaseDatabase.getReference().child("clinicas");

    listaClinicas = new ArrayList<>();


protected void onStart() {

    FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Clinicas, ViewHolder> firebaseRecyclerAdapter =
            new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<Clinicas, ViewHolder>(

            ) {
                protected void populateViewHolder(final ViewHolder viewHolder, final Clinicas clinicas, int position) {

                    final String clinicasIds = getRef(position).getKey();

                    rootReference.child(clinicasIds).addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
                        public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {

                            viewHolder.setDetails(getApplicationContext(), clinicas.getNomeClinica(), clinicas.getEnderecoClinica(),
                                    clinicas.getBairroClinica(), clinicas.getEstadoCidadeClinica(), clinicas.getTelefoneClinica(), clinicas.getWhatsappClinica(),

                        public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {




1 answer


I’m new to Firebase, but I think it’s because you need to create an addListenerForSingleValueEvent in order to recover this information. As in my example below:

private void getUsuarioTecnicoId() {

    DatabaseReference tecnicoDb = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Usuarios").child("Clientes").child(usuarioAtualID).child("conexoes").child("tecnicos");
    tecnicoDb.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
            if (dataSnapshot.exists()){
                for (DataSnapshot tecnico: dataSnapshot.getChildren()){

        public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {



private void FetchtecnicoInformation(final String key) {
    DatabaseReference usuarioDb = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("Usuarios").child("Tecnicos").child(key);
    usuarioDb.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
            if (dataSnapshot.exists()){
                String usuarioId = dataSnapshot.getKey();
                String nome = "";
                String profissao = "";
                String imagemPerfilUrl = "";

                if (dataSnapshot.child("nome").getValue()!=null){
                    nome = dataSnapshot.child("nome").getValue().toString();

                if (dataSnapshot.child("profissao").getValue()!=null){
                    profissao = dataSnapshot.child("profissao").getValue().toString();

                if (dataSnapshot.child("imagemPerfilUrl").getValue()!=null){
                    imagemPerfilUrl = dataSnapshot.child("imagemPerfilUrl").getValue().toString();

                TecnicosObject obj = new TecnicosObject(usuarioId, nome, profissao, imagemPerfilUrl);


        public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {


  • But how’s your database? In my case I am using Firebaserecycleradapter, I do not understand where and how to recover and set the id so that they can be located the data.

  • My database I get by this line " Databasereference tecnicoDb = Firebasedatabase.getInstance(). getReference(). Child("Usuarios"). Child("Clients"). Child(usuarioAtualID). Child("connections"). Child("technicians"); " But since I didn’t use this Firebaserecycleradapter it might be different approach.

  • Where is declared and how do you receive the data of the variable "userAtualID"? My reference is at the root, but there I have Ids, that gives the problem, I can not find a way to make my reference to reach it and read all children of the id generated automatically with push.

  • User private string AtualID; Inside Oncreate: usuarioAtualID = Firebaseuth.getInstance(). getCurrentUser(). getUid(); getCurrentUser(). getUid(); will take the ID of the current logged in user.

  • I understood, it is because in case you are getting the user id logged in the app, in my case I needed to get to the ids, my recyclerview shows nothing.

  • What my code does is: First I create a reference to the database: Databasereference tecnicoDb = Firebasedatabase.getInstance(). getReference(). Child("Usuarios"). Child("Clients"). Child(usuarioAtualID). Child("conexoes"). Child("tecnicos");

  • Then I create an addListenerForSingleValueEvent to go through all that are in the field I searched for in the reference: for (Datasnapshot tecnico: dataSnapshot.getChildren()){ Fetchtecnicoinformation(tecnico.getKey()); } The Fetchtecnicoinformation method will receive all id’s and then I go through the Database Technicians field once again to display in my Recyclerview.

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