Error accessing Firebase Storage in Android Studio App


Viewed 144 times


I have a problem trying to set an image of Storage on ImageView from Android Studio, this error appears in logcat:

User does not have permission to access this Object. Code: -13021 Httpresult: 403 ľ "error": ' "code": 403, "message": "Permission denied. Could not perform this Operation" }} ? "error": ? "code": 403, "message": "Permission denied. Could not perform this Operation" }}

The rules are set for everyone:

service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write: if request.auth == null;

2 answers


Take a look at the rules, you can define whether the user must be logged in to access:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

or configure public access:

// Anyone can read or write to the bucket, even non-users of your app.
// Because it is shared with Google App Engine, this will also make
// files uploaded via GAE public.
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write;
  • 0 vote against Accept I left the rule out for all service firebase.Storage { match /b/{Bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow, write: if request.auth == null; } } }

  • Try it this way: 
service {
 match /b/{bucket}/o {
 match /{allPaths=**} {
 allow read, write;

  • It worked out, thank you very much


I left the rule clear for everyone firebase service.Storage { match /b/{Bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow read, write: if request.auth == null; } } }

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