I have 2 dbgrids in separate locations.
However, the first Dbgrid contains all the information (all the titles I searched for). And in the second Dbgrid, it contains the specific information about that title (number of plots).
Follow code for sample:
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('SELECT t707tit.CD_LOTE as lote, t707tit.NR_TIT AS tit, ' +
't707tit.NR_SEU as numdoc, t707tit.CD_CED as codced, t707tit.vr_jrs_dd as ' +
'jurosaodia, t707tit.mt_am as multaaomes, t707tit.de_msg_1 as msg1, t707tit.vr_ioc as valorioc, t707tit.vr_abt as valorabat, t707tit.vr_dct as valordesc1, t707tit.vr_dct2 as valordesc2, t707tit.dt_dct as datadesc1, t707tit.dt_dct2 as datadesc2, ' +
't707tit.de_msg_2 as msg2, t707tit.de_msg_3 as msg3, t707tit.id_pre_ipr as preimpresso, t707tit.DT_PAG as dtpag, t707tit.VR_PAG as valorpago, t707tit.STATUS_canc as status,');
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('t707tit.NR_NOS as nossonum, t707tit.DT_EMS ' +
'as dtemi, t707tit.PZ_PRT as prazopro, t707tit.motivo_canc as motivocanc,');
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('t707tit.DT_VEN as dtven, ' +
't707tit.DV_NR_NOSS as dv, t707tit.cd_ag as codag, t707tit.cd_bco as codbanco, ');
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('t707tit.VR_TIT as vltit, ' +
't707cli.CD_IDT_CLI as codcli, t707tit.id_pre_ipr as preimpresso , t707tit.COD_CDC as codcentrocusto,');
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('t707cli.TP_CLI as tipocli, t707cli.NM_CLI ' +
'as nomecli, ');
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('t707cli.CD_CAR as codcart, t707tcar.DE_CAR ' +
'as descCart');
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.SQL.Add('FROM t707tit, t707cli, t707tcar WHERE ' +
't707tit.CD_CAR = t707tcar.CD_CAR AND t707cli.CD_CAR = t707tit.CD_CAR AND t707tit.CD_IDT_CLI = ' +
't707cli.CD_IDT_CLI '+campo+' ORDER BY t707tit.NR_TIT,t707tit.NR_SEU LIMIT '+IntToStr(inicio)+', '+IntToStr(fim));
if maskEmi.Text <> ' / / ' then
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.ParamByName('pdataemi').AsDate := StrToDate(maskEmi.Text);
if maskDataVenc.Text <> ' / / ' then
DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.ParamByName('pdataven').AsDate := StrToDate(maskDataVenc.Text);
Code that captures the document selected above:
//selecionando todas as parcelas daquele título
DMRetaguarda.zqConParcelas.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM t707tit WHERE cd_idt_cli = ' +
':pcpfcnpj AND nr_seu like :pnumdoc ORDER BY nr_nos');
DMRetaguarda.zqConParcelas.ParamByname('pcpfcnpj').AsString := DMRetaguarda.zqConTitulos.FieldByName('codcli').AsString;
DMRetaguarda.zqConParcelas.ParamByname('pnumdoc').AsString := edtNumDoc.Text+'%';
The difference between 1 and another, is that there in the first, I selected the 3/4 installment, but in my second Dbgrid, it continued in installment 1/4, as I do to equal them?
Do you have any code to show? Maybe from
of the first table.– Franchesco
@Earendul, I made the changes, the code is big, it’s just a search to select the one of the document, and the other to capture this number and put all plots related to that dbgrid.
– Ramon Ruan