Share Variables between PHP files


Viewed 203 times


Good morning, I would like to share the data entered in an input between 2 files. In the Form action I use the validation file, to check the login and password, but I wanted the data typed in these fields also to be for another file, so I show the name of the user, according to his login, for that I would need to pass the variable $login to the second file:

$login = $_POST['login'];

in the two files, in 1° for verification and in 2° for consultation in DB. Thank you already.

  • Session - or Cookies -

  • in the form action file I put $_SESSION['login'] = $login; e $_SESSION['Cpf'] = $Cpf; and I made q this file that receives these variables per post redirect the browser to the 2° file in I need these variables too, and to test I gave an echo $_SESSION['login']; but this returns the error "Undefined variable: _SESSION "

  • I also tried $_SESSION[$Cpf] = $_POST['Cpf']; and echo $_SESSION[$Cpf];

  • Using Cookies it was possible to solve the problem as follows: 1° File: setcookie("Cpf", $Cpf); setcookie("login", $login); // 2° file: $Cpf = $_COOKIE["Cpf"]; $login = $_COOKIE["login"]; .

1 answer


On all pages you will need to declare / use a SESSION, you must sign in at the beginning of such a page, for this you need to use the following command: session_start(), once logged in, you can assign values such as $_SESSION["login"] = $login.

Now on the second page just perform the login procedure again with session_start() and then call the value you want echo $_SESSION["login"].

You can find more information about sessions Here

  • 1

    I had already managed to solve the problem with cookies, but I will use Sesssions to avoid the unnecessary accumulation of cookies that can generate some inconvenience. Thank you!

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