Using component data in the create method in Vuejs


Viewed 32 times


I’m trying to pass data from one component to another using the $bus method:

data: function(){
    return {
        porcentagemSangramentoMarginal: 0,
        porcentagemPlaca: 0,
        porcentagemOLeary: 0,

        selecionadosSangramentoMarginal: [],
        selecionadosPlaca: [],
        selecionadosPorcentagemOLeary: []

    this.$bus.$on('faceSelecionada', function(idFaceSelecionada){

        if(idFaceSelecionada.charAt(0) == 's'){



He is listening to the event 'faceSelected' normally and receiving the parameter too, but I cannot access the data of the component itself: when receiving the event with parameter I need to add the received id in the list within date and change the value that is also contained in date, but it cannot access it at all, I tried using this and $.

  • Try to use Lifecycle mounted in place of created

1 answer


The problem is that using a "normal function" (function) changes the execution context, and the this within that function is not what you expect...

You have two solutions:

Usa Arrow functions

And so the this is the same as it was outside the function:

    this.$bus.$on('faceSelecionada',(idFaceSelecionada) => {
        if(idFaceSelecionada.charAt(0) == 's'){


Use an alias for the this

If you do const self = this; out of the function you can then use the self in time of this within the function because this variable is not changed.

    const self = this;
    this.$bus.$on('faceSelecionada', function(idFaceSelecionada){

        if(idFaceSelecionada.charAt(0) == 's'){
          // aqui podes usar self.algumaPropriedadeReactiva = idFaceSelecionada;


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