I am developing an API with Rails 5 and have the following models:
class cotacao < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :usuario
has_many :cotacao_itens, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :cotacao_itens, allow_destroy: true
class CotacaoItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :cotacao
class Peca < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :fornecedor
class Fornecedor < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :usuario
has_many :pecas
Now I need to create a method that from a quotation, is presented all the pieces grouped by forcenecedor, and rendered a JSON object with the following structure:
"id": 1,
"name": "fornecedor 1",
"pecas": [
{"numero": "1999"},
{"numero": "2555"}]
"id": 2,
"name": "fornecedor 2",
"pecas": [
{"numero": "1999"},
{"numero": "2555"},
{"numero": "3666"}]
So far this (incomplete) method is as follows:
def quotation_suppliers
quotation = Quotation.find(params[:id])
parts = []
suppliers = []
quotation.quotation_items.each do |item|
parts << Part.select { |part| part.part_number == item.part_number }
render json: parts, status: 200
I am using Activemodel Serializer to format the JSON output, but my difficulty is precisely in creating the "quotation_suppliers" method and the logic needed to create this result.
I was able to get very close to the result I’m looking for by creating the following method in models/quotation.Rb
def parts
part_numbers = self.quotation_items.map { |item| item.part_number }
parts = part_numbers.map { |item| Part.where(part_number: item) }
parts = parts.flatten.group_by(&:supplier_id)
This method prints a hash grouped by the Supplier ID, but I need to present another attribute, instead of the ID would be the social_name. So I added the following code:
suppliers = parts.keys.map { |k| parts[Supplier.find(k).social_name] = parts.delete(k) }
This way I can see the result I need in the console, but in Postman the hash is without the social_name. I believe this is related to quotation_serializer configuration:
class Api::V2::QuotationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :parts
But I still don’t know what I need to do to also present the attributo social_name in the hash.
Interesting your vnbrs tip, but my question is on how to create the logic of the method "quotation_suppliers" so that it brings the information I need.
– wilfrank