Pick up messages sent and received from Mysql


Viewed 257 times


I am developing a personal messaging system and I need to list the messages I received and the messages I sent, only that I am having difficulties, because the code I did can only get all that I sent or all that I received and never both. The code I’m using

$query = mysql_query("SELECT pr.id_perfil, pr.id_perfil_enviou, pr.recado, pe.nome as NomeEnviou, prm.nome as NomeRecebeu FROM perfil_recados AS pr INNER JOIN perfil AS pe ON pe.id = pr.id_perfil_enviou INNER JOIN perfil AS prm ON prm.id=pr.id_perfil WHERE (pr.id_perfil='961' AND pr.id_perfil_enviou = '15') OR (pr.id_perfil='15' AND pr.id_perfil_enviou = '961')");

while($exe = mysql_fetch_array($query)){                    
   echo 'De: '.$exe['NomeEnviou'].' para '.$exe['NomeRecebeu'];    
  • See, so you shouldn’t have two Select’s?? Because you won’t always send, and it will get an answer. In other words, in just a SELECT for me I don’t think it will...

  • 1

    Consider using the UNION clause of SQL. http://blog.tiagopassos.com/2010/07/20/realizando-duas-ou-mais-consultas-com-union-e-union-all-no-mysql/

  • Thank you @Tony o UNION helped me in what I needed!

2 answers


Consider using the clause UNION of SQL.

In Mysql the UNION keyword is used to match the result of multiple SELECT commands in a single result.



(SELECT * FROM clientes WHERE id_cidade = 1 LIMIT 3)
UNION (SELECT * FROM clientes WHERE id_cidade = 5 LIMIT 3)
UNION (SELECT * FROM clientes WHERE id_cidade = 8 LIMIT 3)

Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/union.html

  • 1

    In this case I find UNION ALL more interesting. I do not believe that the data will be repeated and the performance of UNION ALL is superior because it does not need to check for duplicates. Details


And if you do so

SELECT pr.id_perfil, 
       pe.nome AS NomeEnviou, 
       prm.nome AS NomeRecebeu
FROM perfil_recados AS pr 
INNER JOIN perfil AS pe ON pe.id = pr.id_perfil_enviou 
INNER JOIN perfil AS prm ON prm.id = pr.id_perfil 
WHERE pr.id_perfil IN (15, 961) 
   OR pr.id_perfil_enviou = (15, 961);

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