How to delete strange character appearing in page header


Viewed 58 times


On my page I do a include for a header that sits at the top of the page, but strangely is getting one sujeira that gives a space right at the beginning, I do not know very well what is and nor what to do, I will be posting an image:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My include page is this:


	if(!isset($_SESSION)) {	   

	// Require da classe de conexão
	require_once "_classes/conexao_pdo.class.php";
	require_once "_classes/crud.dsc.class.php";

	// Instancia Conexão PDO
	$conexao = Conexao::getInstance();
	$crud = Crud::getInstance($conexao);

	$dados = isset($_SESSION["dados"]) ? $_SESSION["dados"] : unserialize($_COOKIE["dados"]);
	$email = $dados["email"];

	if ($email != "") {
		$RelUsuario = "SELECT *
						FROM cadclientes
						WHERE = ? AND acesso_usuario = 1";
		$stm = $conexao->prepare($RelUsuario);
		$stm->bindValue(1, $email, PDO::PARAM_INT);
		$RelUsuario = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); 

		$NomeUsuario = "";

		foreach($RelUsuario as $NomeUser) {
			$NomeUsuario = $NomeUser->nome;


<div class="top-bar">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="top-bar-left">
			<ul class="list-inline">
				<li class="icon-user"><a href="minha-conta-login.php"><img src="assets/img/icon-1.png" alt=""/> <span>Faça Login</span></a></li>
				<li class="icon-form"><a href="cadastro-cliente.php"><img src="assets/img/icon-2.png" alt=""/> <span>Ou cadastre-se, entre aqui</span></a></li>   				               
		<div class="top-bar-right">
			<ul class="list-inline">
				<li class="hidden-xs"><a href="sobre.php">Sobre Nós</a></li>                    
				<li class="hidden-xs"><a href="contato.php">Contato</a></li>
				<li class="hidden-xs"><a href="faq.php">FAQ</a></li>
				<?php if ($_SESSION["dados"] != "") { ?>
				<li class="hidden-xs"><a href="index.php">Olá <?php echo $NomeUsuario; ?></a></li>  
				<li class="hidden-xs"><a href="logoutCliente.php">Sair</a></li> 
				<?php } ?>

Developing page:

Page for viewing

  • Man, I had a problem like that and I got it fixed, so I marked it as double blz?

  • On this particular page except the line-height: 1.72; do <body> and putting back only in the "vomponentes" .footer e .top-bar vc solves the problem. But I noticed that the other pages do not present the problem, even body tb have this line-height: 1.72; ... I had even posted as an answer, but I preferred to question you before, for you to test there and see

  • Look at the image of the test can sometimes help you if you can’t solve it otherwise...

1 answer


I think the previous answers solve the problem, but in the latter case you can solve using CSS:

.wrapper {
    margin: -25px;
  • 1

    Hello @Jota, thanks for the tip, taking into account the previous comments I managed to solve in two ways, one as you indicated and another as hugocsl, this OS is really very good.

  • Whenever you need.

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