Treat functions that return multiple Python values


Viewed 166 times


For example, I have a function mergeSort(alist)that has return

return count, blist

i.e., returns an integer that is the inversion counter and a list of values.

When passing a list 5 4 3 1 2 5 and make print(mergeSort(lista)), is printed

(5, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']).

How to take only the whole (5) of the accountant?

1 answer


While writing the question occurred to me something very simple, I tested and it worked so I decided to continue the question and leave the answer in case someone has the same doubt.

Considering the example, just do

x, y = mergeSort(entrada)

And thus x receives the first return and y the second, and can be more variable according to the amount of returns of the function.

  • 1

    It’s called unpacking(desempacotar)

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