percentageCommomWords JAVA In String CHATBOT


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I would like a help to implement the method percentageCommomWords in my code, because it meets with contains and this ends up complicating a little at bot time to answer the right question.

Follow the code, but what I really needed was to put the condition of verifying which question comes closer to 1.

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import java.text.Normalizer;

public class ChatBot extends JFrame {

//Este metodo compara a pergunta com todas no cartel e seleciona a mais proxima.

public float percentageCommomWords(String stringA, String stringB) {
String[] stringASplit = stringA.split(" ");
String[] stringBSplit = stringB.split(" ");

int count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < stringASplit.length ; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < stringBSplit.length ; j++) {
        if(stringASplit[i].equalsIgnoreCase(stringBSplit[j])) {

int min = Math.min(stringASplit.length, stringBSplit.length);

return (float)count/(float)min;

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

// Esse metodo tira os acentos das variaveis
public String removeAcentos(final String str) {
String strSemAcentos = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
strSemAcentos = strSemAcentos.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
return strSemAcentos;

//Local para escrever o texto
public JTextField txtEnter = new JTextField();

//Local para colocar os Textos
public JTextArea txtChat = new JTextArea();

public ChatBot() {
//Frame Attributes:
this.setSize(900, 600);
this.setTitle("Pipo Chat Bot");

//txtEnter Attributes:
txtEnter.setLocation(2, 540);
txtEnter.setSize(590, 30);

//txtEnter Action Event:    
txtEnter.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

        // informa que a variavel uText retorna o que está dentro do             TxtField 
        String uText = txtEnter.getText();
        // Declaro que a variavel uText fica toda em minusculo
        uText = uText.toLowerCase();
        // Declaro aqui que minha variavel tem que passar pelo             tratamento do metodo removeAcentos
        uText = removeAcentos(uText);
        String percentageCommomWords;

        txtChat.append("You: " + uText + "\n");

        if(uText.contains("oi") ){
        }else if(uText.contains("bom dia")){
            botFala("bom dia !");
        }else if(uText.contains("boa tarde")){
            botFala("boa tarde!");
        }else if(uText.contains("boa noite")){
            botFala("boa noite!");
        }else if(uText.contains("quem é voce")){
            botFala("eu sou exterminador!");
        }else if(uText.contains("o que voce faz")){
            botFala("só tento responder sua pergunta!");
        }else if(uText.contains("e se eu nao tiver pergunta")){
            botFala("eu nao respondo!");
        }else if(uText.contains("podemos ser amigos")){
        }else if(uText.contains("você sabe o que é AI")){
            botFala("Artificial inteligencia? Ainda não estou tentando aprender os conceitos básicos, e complexos.!");
        }else if(uText.contains("você sabe responder em ingles?")){
            botFala("Não, no momento só falo uma lingua PT-BR!");
        else if(uText.contains("como voce esta")){
            int decider = (int) (Math.random()*2+1);
            if(decider == 1){
                botFala("Estou bem e você?");
            else if(decider == 2){
                botFala("Ate o momento tudo ok.");
            int decider = (int) (Math.random()*3+1);
            if(decider == 1){
                botFala("Não entendi o que você quis dizer");
            else if(decider == 2){
                botFala("Por favor, você pode refazer a pergunta? Obrigado!");
            else if(decider == 3){


//txtChat Attributes:
txtChat.setLocation(15, 5);
txtChat.setSize(560, 510);

//Add Items To Frame:

public void botFala(String s){
txtChat.append("Exterminador da computação: " + s + "\n");

public static void main(String[] args){
new ChatBot();
  • I don’t understand what you want to do, could explain better?

  • The problem of using contains is that the text only needs to have a small part equal to the one being checked. Ex: "goiaba".contains("oi") returns true, for "ghitab" contains "hi". If you want to check the exact text, best use equals or equalsIgnoreCase (to ignore upper and lower case), but then you have to also remove spaces at the beginning and end, punctuation, etc. However, I could not understand what it would be "condition of verifying which question comes closer to 1". If you can [Edit] the question explaining better what you are trying to do...

  • Hi, it’s the following, the method I put on top, Commounswords, it compares two Strings, and see are similar or similar, and to make this comparison it creates a float, where 0 is that String [A] and String[B] have nothing in common, and 1 is that they are identical. Example: is a similarity String.

  • Hi guys, I want a Similarity String, how it works in this code, but I can not implement in mine. just wanted to take this method: and apply in my code.

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