Update of Telephone Array in the database


Viewed 58 times


I’m trying to update information in my database where I have 1:N amid Clientes and Telefones, but I am not able to perform such update, because sometimes it will be necessary to remove a phone that is in the bank, sometimes add a new phone and keep those that are already inserted, and sometimes it will be necessary to perform the two joint operations, could help me ?

My Controller:

    public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(EditClientViewModel model)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            var client = await _clientManager.GetClientIdAsync(model.Id);

            if (client == null)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Não é possível carregar o cliente com o ID '{client.Id}'.");

            client.Nome = model.Name;
            client.RazaoSocial = model.CompanyName;
            client.NomeFantasia = model.FantasyName;
            client.Cpfj = model.Cpfj;
            client.CEP = model.CEP;
            client.UF = model.UF;
            client.Bairro = model.Neighborhood;
            client.Cidade = model.City;
            client.Endereco = model.Address;
            client.Numero = model.Number;
            client.Complemento = model.Complement;
            client.DataNascimento = model.BirthDate;
            client.TipoPessoa = model.TypePerson;

            var result = await _clientManager.UpdateClientAsync(client);

            foreach (var ClientTelephone in client.ClientesTelefone)
                foreach (var NewClientTelephone in model.Telephone)
                    if(ClientTelephone.ToString() != NewClientTelephone && NewClientTelephone != null)
                        var clientTelephone = new ApplicationClientTelephone
                            Telefone = NewClientTelephone,
                            Cliente = client

                        await _clientManager.UpdateClientTelephoneAsync(clientTelephone);

            TempData["MensagemSucesso"] = "Cliente alterado com sucesso";

            return RedirectToAction("Index");

        return View(model);
  • One way out is to remove all phones and insert the ones in the list. But if you want to have control of when a number has been changed, you will have to store the id of every phone, then you do the treatment, if there is id ago update, otherwise, does insert. It seemed?

  • I thought about this way of removing everything and adding everything again, but I couldn’t do the Remove(), tried as hard as Remove how much RemoveRange, but I don’t think I’ve developed such a function properly

  • Make a query, remove Ids that no longer exist and update the rest

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