Ajax does not load


Viewed 104 times


I’m trying to fill 2 combobox (State), (City) with the database return, the first of states I got, the states are shown and then I take their UF to query municipalities, however my ajax does not seem to call the php file.


<div class="input-field col s4 m3">
        <select name="estado" id="id_estados" class="browser-default" >
            <option value=" " selected="selected">Escolha o estado:</option>
            <?php include_once("/Chamadas/listarEstados.php"); ?>
    <div class="input-field col s8 m5">
        <select name="municipios" id="id_municipios" class="browser-default" >
            <option value="" disabled selected>Cidade</option>
                $("#id_estados").on("change", function()
                    var idEstado = $("#id_estados").val();
                    var url = '/Chamadas/listarMunicipios.php';
                        type: 'POST',
                        data: {ufEstado : idEstado},
                        beforeSend: function(){
                        success: function(data)
                        error: function(data)

                            $("#id_municipios").html("Houve um erro ao carregar !");




    $dalLocalizacao = new dalLocalizacao();
    $municipios = $dalLocalizacao->listarMunicipio($_POST['ufEstado']);

    foreach ($municipios as $municipio) 
        $municiopUTF = utf8_encode($municipio['Nome']);
        echo '<option>'.$municiopUTF.'</option>';# code...


public function listarMunicipio($uf)

     $query = "SELECT * FROM Municipio WHERE Uf='".$uf."'";
     $municipios = $this->conexao->query($query) or die(mysql_error());
     return $municipios;


Folder structure

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Put a.log(data) console in the Success and see what it shows.

  • Just so you know, the function listarMunicipio($uf) is subject to SQL injection attacks.

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