Sending html and php email problems ( via outlook), limiting message


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I have a qto problem sending emails via php and Html, have a button that opens the outlook already with the email fields, subject and cc filled, in the body of the email comes already filled tbem with the information, but it is as if limited , the text does not come out complete, it limits and cuts by half the email information in the body, which comes from a form.

the information comes from "action="mailto:" and the body of a text already fixed with variables that can be added more information to the standard text through a modal

  • 1

    Robson, could put part of the code to understand how this is being sent the information to outlook?

  • <div class="modal fade" id="Edit" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" Aria-labelledby="Edit" Aria-Hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header btn-Primary"> <button type="button" class="close" data-Dismiss="modal" Aria-Hidden="true"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" Aria-Hidden="true"></span></button> <H4 class="modal-title custom_align" id="Heading">Message</H4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="form-group">

  • <textarea Rows="30" name="message" class="form-control" placeholder="Mount an Email here!!!">

  • THIS IS the modal you have at the end with the pre-defined text and then at the end of it <? php echo " DEFINED ?>

  • until a certain limit the text comes out full, with signature and everything, if you increase a few lines already cuts the text and no longer leaves signature, by Chrome neither sends more and in mozila cuts, you know if it has some limit ?

  • and to fill in the rest <form role="form" method="POST" action="mailto:<? php echo $Emailaggit.$sremail;? >? cc=<? php echo $Emailct;? >;&Bcc=;&Subject=<? php echo "$numcham | Power Outage | Unit: $unid" ;?>" enctype="text/Plain">

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