Inconsistent accessibility: "value" parameter type is less accessible than "value" method


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Inconsistent accessibility: "Iclientmanager" parameter type is less accessible than "Clientecontroller.Clientcontroller(Iclientmanager, Usermanager)


public class ClientController : Controller
    private readonly IClientManager _clientManager;
    private readonly UserManager<ApplicationUser> _userManager;

    public ClientController(   <-  Erro está aqui
        IClientManager clientManager,
        UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
        _clientManager = clientManager;
        _userManager = userManager;


internal interface IClientManager : IDisposable
    Task<ApplicationClient> CreateClientAsync(ApplicationClient client);


services.AddScoped<IClientManager, ClientManager>();


public class ClientManager : IClientManager
    private ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public ClientManager(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

    public async Task<ApplicationClient> CreateClientAsync(ApplicationClient client)
        var result = await _context.Clientes.AddAsync(client);

        if (result.State == EntityState.Added)

        return result.Entity;

1 answer


Declare the interface as public:

public interface IClientManager : IDisposable

Thus it is at the same level of accessibility as the "Clientcontroller" class, which is public

  • Now gave the following message Mais de um modificador de proteção

  • sorry there was an error in the reply, already corrected

  • Now it worked perfectly

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