Is it possible to open a link in a specific browser tab using some target=""?


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I have a contact registration system with a button to send Whatsapp message by whatsappweb.

When I click on this button, it opens a whatsappweb tab in the conversation with this contact:

<a href="'.$telefone.'" target="_blank">Mandar WhatsApp</a>

Only every time I click it opens in a new tab because of target="_Blank".

Is it possible to click, it open this link in the tab where whatsappweb is already open? Because whatsappweb only allows 1 tab open, whenever I click on some conversation, I have to close another tab already open Whatsapp.

Can use php, javascript, jquery.

  • Could not understand right your question, this button is on your system or whatsappweb? If it is on your system just remove the target attribute it will open the contents in the same tab.

  • I think you want to use the framename it will always update the page opened by the link

  • I took a look at framename, from what I understood I would have to create a frame within my system, and link inside it right?

  • @Serenomendes the button is inside my system, I do not want to open in the same tab, I want to open in the tab that is already open "Whatsapp"

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