Hey there, guys. I’m trying to connect to a Soap webservice using the Laravel. First the webservice is on a vpn, so I need to do a proxy, but I’m having trouble consuming. My mistake is this. Soapfault SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: can’t import schema. Namespace must not match the enclosing schema 'targetNamespace'
$client = new SoapClient('http://url/auth?wsdl');
try {
$client->validaUsuarioExterno(['login' => 'sandra.bondi.ws', 'senha' => 'xXdet8Yy']);
} catch (SoapFault $excp) {
die('Sem conexão '.$excp);
$passport = $client->validaUsuarioExterno(['login' => 'meu_login', 'senha' => 'minha_senha'])->passaporte;
$function = 'obterDadosBoletoVeiculo';
$arguments = array('obterDadosBoletoVeiculo' => array(
'chaveConsulta' => '00011111100000',
'tipoChave' => 1,
'login' => 'meu_login',
'passaporte' => $passport,
// $options = array('location' => 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/');
$clientConnect = new SoapClient('http://url/dados?wsdl');
try {
$result = $clientConnect->__soapCall($function, $arguments, $options);
} catch (SoapFault $excp) {
die('Não foi possível retornar os dados, error: ' . $excp);
Exactly at: $clientConnect = new Soapclient('http://url/data? wsdl'); it returns me the error.
Can you open in browse the URL: http://url/data? wsdl ??
– fernandosavio
Yes, I can. I can access via Soapui as well
– LintonJr