I am doing a Client/Server exercise, I have an sql with multiple product records and I can LIST ALL, FILTER BY PRICE and FILTER BY CODE, but when implementing the service of changing stock, it does not recognize my fuction. The part 1 I managed to accomplish, from the 3rd topic of part 2 I could not ...I will put the statement and the codes! Thanks who help
Part 1: Installation
- Clone the files from this folder on your machine
- Import the base.sql file into Mysql using the tool of your preference
- Put the Catalog.php file in your Apache httdos directory machine
- Test the connection by accessing the php file on your computer, indicating the file path. Example: http://localhost/Catalog.php? op=list
- Test other implemented services
Part 2: Creation of the client application
Create a client application using the concepts shown in the lessons previous.
Your client application must access the service deployed in part 1, passing the values chosen by the user
Implement response processing, showing the data in a manner user clear. Note that the Catalog.php service returns the data in json format
Your job will be to convert that answer into something more readable for non-technical users (example: using table to display data)
Part 3: Creation of new services
In the file Catalog.php, 3 services have been implemented
Create new services that can be run by client applications
Some examples: insert product, delete product, increase stock of a product, readjusting the price of one or more products
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost','root','root','aula3_clientserver');
$op = $_GET["op"];
switch ($op) {
case "list":
case "filterCode":
getByCode($mysqli, $_GET["code"]);
case "filterPrice":
getByPrice($mysqli, $_GET["from"],$_GET["to"]);
case "updateEstoque":
setEstoque($mysqli, $_GET["code"],$_GET["qtd"]);
echo "Operacao invalida";
function listar($mysqli) {
$query = "SELECT produto_id, nome, estoque, preco from produto";
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
$dbdata = array();
while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo json_encode($dbdata);
function getByCode($mysqli, $code) {
$query = "SELECT produto_id, nome, estoque, preco from produto where nome='".$code."'";
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
$dbdata = array();
while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo json_encode($dbdata);
function getByPrice($mysqli, $from, $to) {
$query = "SELECT produto_id, nome, estoque, preco from produto where preco>=".$from." AND preco<=".$to;
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
$dbdata = array();
while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo json_encode($dbdata);
function setEstoque($mysqli, $code, $qtd) {
$query = "UPDATE produto SET estoque = estoque +".$qtd." WHERE nome ='".$code."'";
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
The statement is only text, there is no reason to put here as image. Please transfer the statement as text; this will help in the search of the site and will allow users who cannot view the image to help you. Taking advantage, nay use the site snippet for PHP; it is quite clear in it that it is for HTML/Javascript/CSS code. When it is [Edit] the question, put also the error messages. We have no way to guess this.
– Woss
What is the error that appears?
– Geraldão de Rívia
He’s not even acknowledging my Seven Story... I don’t know much about PHP
– Igor Paiva
is exactly"setEstoque"
? Because if it is"SetEstoque"
won’t work, the comparison is case sensitive.– fernandosavio
She looks exactly like setEstoque
– Igor Paiva