Errors with js table filter and paging


Viewed 180 times


I found some practical errors running my code and don’t know how to fix it. Follow the code below:

<div id="divConteudo">

  $con_string = "host='***' port=5432 dbname='***' user='***' password='***'";
  $conn = pg_connect($con_string);
  $query = "select pa_maquina, pa_hora - pa_inicioparada as tempo, pa_motivo, pa_data, pa_observacao from relatorioparadas";

 $total_reg = "10"; // número de registros por página

 if (!$pagina) {
 $pc = "1";
 } else {
 $pc = $pagina;

 $inicio = $pc - 1;
 $inicio = $inicio * $total_reg;
 $limite = "$query LIMIT $total_reg offset $inicio";
 $todos = pg_query("$query");
 $tr = pg_num_rows($todos); // verifica o número total de registros
 $tp = $tr / $total_reg; // verifica o número total de páginas

 $anterior = $pc -1;
 $proximo = $pc +1;


  { ?> 
  <table id="tabela">

                <th><center>Tempo de Parada</center></th>
                <th><center>Observações de Ocorrencia</center></th>


                <th><center><input type="text" id="txtColuna1"/></center></th>
                <th><center><input type="text" id="txtColuna2"/></center></th>
                <th><center><input type="text" id="txtColuna3"/></center></th>
                <th><center><input type="text" id="txtColuna4"/></center></th>
                <th><center><input type="text" id="txtColuna5"/></center></th>


          while ($result = pg_fetch_array($output)) {
          $maquina = $result["pa_maquina"];
          $tempo = $result["tempo"];
          $motivo = $result["pa_motivo"];
          $data = $result["pa_data"];
          $observacao = $result["pa_observacao"];

              echo '<td>'; echo $result["pa_maquina"]; echo'</td>';
                 echo '<td>'; echo $result["tempo"]; echo'</td>';
                 echo '<td>'; echo $result["pa_motivo"]; echo'</td>';
                echo '<td>'; echo $result["pa_observacao"]; echo'</td>';
                 echo '<td>'; echo $result["pa_data"]; echo'</td>';


       </tbody>'; }?>
    <?php } ?>


     <div class="row x_title text-right">

     <input  type= "submit" id="visualizarDados" value="OK"> 
    if ($pc>1) {
echo "<a href='?pagina=$anterior'><button><- Anterior</button></a> ";

    if ($pc<$tp) {
echo " <a href='?pagina=$proximo'><button>Próxima -></button></a>";



 $("#tabela input").keyup(function(){       
    var index = $(this).parent().index();
    var nth = "#tabela td:nth-child("+(index+1).toString()+")";
    var valor = $(this).val().toUpperCase();
    $("#tabela tbody tr").show();
        if($(this).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(valor) < 0){

 $("#tabela input").blur(function(){


First error: loading the page says that the page variable was not set, even with that "if" just below. When I click next, the error disappears. Second error: The filter is only working for the first column, when it should filter the column where it is being typed. Here is a picture of the table: Tabela e seu erro

The filter code I noticed from this tutorial:

I am beginner in the area and accept any suggestion.

1 answer


The warning is being caused by the line


where you are assigning the value of $_GET['page'] directly. Try putting an if to check if it exists. Ex:

if( isset( $_GET['pagina'] ) && !empty( $_GET['pagina'] ) ){
 $pagina = $_GET['pagina'];
 $pagina = 1;

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