How do I get an Annotation date, to be able to access value from another property?


Viewed 490 times


I have my following properties:

public ETipoPessoa TipoPessoa {get;set;}
public string CnpjCPF {get;set;}

public enum ETipoPessoa {

I have this condition, if Type = Physical, I need to pass an Annotation that validates the CPF, otherwise Type = Legal validate the CNPJ

So, as I do an Annotation date, I can access value from another property ?

That is, my Annotation has to take the value that came from the Typopessoa, to validate what is what...

  • CPF always has 11 digits. CNPJ always has 14. O TipoPessoa is not necessary.

  • Required in View for mask

  • You can put the field without necessarily mapping it into the database, since the mask is important.

  • Gypsy, in my opinion it is very important to have mapped, even more when we filter by "Type"

1 answer


It is not yet what you want, but there is a way to make a validation at the level of the Model.

public class Pessoa : IValidatableObject
    public ETipoPessoa TipoPessoa {get;set;}
    public string CnpjCPF {get;set;}

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        var validations = new List<ValidationResult>();

        if (TipoPessoa == ETipoPessoa.Fisica)
            bool cpfValido;
            ... // validação de CPF
            if (!cpfValido)
                validations.Add(new ValidationResult("CPF Inválido"));

        if (TipoPessoa == ETipoPessoa.Juridica)
            bool cnpjValido;
            ... // validação de CNPJ 
            if (!cnpjValido)
                validations.Add(new ValidationResult("CNPJ Inválido"));
        return validations;
  • I think it would be nice if you put inside each if how to fire an error message to the Controller.

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