How do I make the return give success jquery and php formulary


Viewed 23 times


I have a form like this

                <form action="envia-contato.php" method="post" >
                    <label>Nome<span style="color:#db0012 !important;">*</span></label>
                    <input type="text" name="nome" id="nome"  />

                    <label>E-mail<span style="color:#db0012 !important;">*</span></label>
                    <input type="text" name="email" id="email" tabindex="2" />

                    <input type="text" name="telefone" id="telefone" tabindex="3" />

                    <label class="mensagem">Mensagem<span style="color:#db0012 !important;">*</span></label>
                    <textarea name="mensagem" id="mensagem" tabindex="4" ></textarea>

                    <label id="aviso" class=""><p></p></label>

                    <input type="submit" class="btEnviar" value="Enviar" tabindex="6" />

how caught the successful message return from php to jquery to show the successfully sent email message.

            $(document).ready(function() {

                $("form").submit(function() {
                    var checar = 0;

                    if($("#nome").val() == "") {    checar = 1; }
                    else if($("#email").val() == "") { checar = 1; }
                    else if($("#mensagem").val() == "") { checar = 1; }

                    if (checar == 1) {
                        $("#aviso p").text('Os campos marcados com * s\u00e3o obrigat\u00f3rios.');
                            return false;


  • Daniel edits there your question that could not understand anything you want to do!

  • If clicking send shows message ( the fields * are empty) I want that when click send if you have filled the fields send the data pro php, ( ate ai all right) but return to the form and show the message success in the warning field.

  • I think it is not possible to do this, because when you give the Ubmit the request will go to another page and the one you were is closed

  • You can use ajax to do that. There’s a lot here on Sopt and Google about that.

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