The function returns Undefined. What’s wrong?


Viewed 69 times


var pulaLinha = function() {

var mostra = function(frase) {

var calculaIMC = function(altura, peso) {
  var imc = peso / (altura * altura);

var alturaDoUsuario = prompt("Sua altura? ");
var pesoDoUsuario = prompt("Seu peso? ");

var imcDoUsuario = calculaIMC(alturaDoUsuario, pesoDoUsuario);
mostra("O seu imc é: " + imcDoUsuario);

  • 3

    And this return;?

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1 answer


Of course, the code is returning nothing. The function makes a calculation in there and abandons this resulting. A return returns nothing, um return <expressão> returns the expression.

function calculaIMC(altura, peso) { return peso / (altura * altura); }

console.log("O seu imc é: " + calculaIMC(prompt("Sua altura? "), prompt("Seu peso? ")));

I put in the Github for future reference.

  • Ok! Thank you very much. It worked perfectly.

  • 1

    I think it would also be interesting to mention that the prompts and consequential variables alturaDoUsuario and pesoDoUsuario in the question code are strings and only works properly due to implicit conversions that are made.

  • @Isac gets his comment as this warning :)

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