Yes, you can return a filled array and then use this to display the information, for example
function calcParcelaJuros($valor_total, $parcelas, $juros = 0){
$parcelado = [];
if ($juros > 0) { // se for com juros, calculamos o valor contando com o juro
$I = $juros/100.00;
$valor = $valor_total * $I * pow((1 + $I), $parcelas) / (pow((1 + $I), $parcelas) - 1);
} else { // senao é porque é sem juro
$valor = $valor_total / $parcelas;
// em vez de usar um ciclo, fazemos um array_fill, do indice 1 até ao numero de $parcelas e colocamos o valor
$parcelado = array_fill(1, $parcelas, $valor);
return $parcelado;
// presumo que ja tenhas as variaveis assim
$o_valor_total = 250;
$o_numero_de_parcelas = 4;
$o_valor_dos_juros = 2;
$parcelado = calcParcelaJuros($o_valor_total, $o_numero_de_parcelas, $o_valor_dos_juros);
foreach ($parcelado as $parcela => $valor) {
$nota = ($o_valor_dos_juros > 0) ? "Juros de: {$o_valor_dos_juros}%" : "Sem Juros";
$valor_formatado = number_format($valor, 2, ",", ".");
echo "{$parcela}x ({$nota}) - R$ {$valor_formatado} <br />";
I prefer to create my functions having only 1 responsibility, being that the above example is only the function that makes the calculation of the plots, would have another to show the formatted result as intended (which above is the foreach
To add the due date, you can do something like this, although, as the comment says, you could also do just one cycle to fill the array.
function calcParcelaJuros($valor_total, $parcelas, $data_primeiro_vencimento, $juros = 0){
$parcelado = [];
if ($juros > 0) { // se for com juros, calculamos o valor contando com o juro
$I = $juros/100.00;
$valor = $valor_total * $I * pow((1 + $I), $parcelas) / (pow((1 + $I), $parcelas) - 1);
} else { // senao é porque é sem juro
$valor = $valor_total / $parcelas;
// em vez de usar um ciclo, fazemos um array_fill, do indice 1 até ao numero de $parcelas e colocamos o valor
$parcelado = array_fill(1, $parcelas, ['valor' => $valor, 'juro' => $juros]);
// adicionamos as datas entao depois, embora pudessemos fazer tudo no mesmo ciclo..
foreach ($parcelado as $p => $parcela) {
if (empty($data_vencimento)) {
$data_vencimento = $data_primeiro_vencimento;
} else {
$data_vencimento = date_add($data_vencimento, date_interval_create_from_date_string('30 days'));
$parcelado[$p]['parcela'] = $p; // para manter o numero do pagamento
$parcelado[$p]['data_vencimento'] = $data_vencimento->format('Y-m-d');
return $parcelado;
// presumo que ja tenhas as variaveis assim
$o_valor_total = 250;
$o_numero_de_parcelas = 4;
$data_primeiro_vencimento = date_create('2018-01-31');
$o_valor_dos_juros = 2;
$parcelado = calcParcelaJuros($o_valor_total, $o_numero_de_parcelas, $data_primeiro_vencimento, $o_valor_dos_juros);
foreach ($parcelado as $parcela) {
extract($parcela); // usamos o extract para as chaves do array serem variaveis dentro deste foreach
$nota = ($juro > 0) ? "Juros de: {$juro}%" : "Sem Juros";
$valor_formatado = number_format($valor, 2, ",", ".");
echo "{$parcela}x ({$nota}) - R$ {$valor_formatado} (Vence em {$data_vencimento})<br />";
Thanks for the return, actually I just need the value, no formatting even.
– Wagner Fillio
Using this same function, it is possible to bring the due dates every 30 days ? I know you are not in the question, but just to know
– Wagner Fillio
I tested, even created an array, but look how it turned out, It is possible to leave as $array = [ "parcel" => "1", "value" => "100", ];
– Wagner Fillio
I removed the 2nd previous example and replaced it with one that includes the expiration date being extended every 30 days. You can also have 1 more parameter after or before the
to accept the time interval between each maturity.– Leite
perfect @milk, you can’t imagine how much it helped me. Thank you so much.
– Wagner Fillio
one more question, the array index, shouldn’t start with [0] ? , because it starts with [1] ?
– Wagner Fillio
the array_fill accepts as first parameter the first index to use, as is 1 the array starts with 1, although it could be 0 and the code later had this in mind
– Leite
I will popular a table using Bootstrap table, all cases where the array has 0 as Index, it works, but in this case, which starts with 1, it has not populated. I don’t know if it can be that.. If it’s the case to start with 0, how can I do it?
– Wagner Fillio
Set the array_fill to start at 0, you may have to end the array_fill as
$parcelas - 1
, but you have to confirm, I’m on my phone now and I can’t. Later add a +1 to the lineparcelado[$p]['parcela'] = $p;
– Leite
I’m also on the phone, but I already try and get back here . Thanks for the readiness..
– Wagner Fillio
you don’t have to put the -1
– Leite