Hello I have a problem that does not leave me alone, I need that when these cells of the table arrive in 4 in each row it jumps to the next one, but here’s the problem I’m pulling these cells from the database using the $data["descricao_map"]; I do not know what to do.
$consulta = "SELECT * FROM materialapoio";
$con = $mysqli->query($consulta) or die($mysqli->error);
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<?php while($dado = $con->fetch_array()){ ?>
<td class="Colunas01"><?php echo $dado["descricao_map"];?></td>
<?php }?>
Look if this solves https://answall.com/questions/324963/como-coloca-um-limite-de-4-imagens-por-linha/324976#324976 Vc need to structure your HTML to break this way, after vc populate with what comes from the bank and there will break correctly according to how the CSS made to receive the content
– hugocsl
I’m sorry to say something a little out of the question, but... why don’t you use Bootstrap? There you already have the grid ready. It’s always 12. Then you can put
, that will fit 4.– Fusseldieb
It is good practice to mark a response that has met your acceptance, see https://i.stack.Imgur.com/evLUR.png and because https://pt.meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/1078/como-e-por-que-aceitar-uma-resposta/1079#1079
– user60252