I can Use Wordpress as Back-End


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Eae guys, I have a frequent question about Wordpress and Web Design. I make websites using HTML, CSS and Javascript/Bootstrap 4 , SASS and etc. However, I don’t know the back-end , I could use Wordpress as a back-end. For example, I do the HTML form, there is a plugin that sends all the data typed directly to my email. Or another example , a login area, could use Wordpress to create a restricted area of students or etc? Thank you.

  • This may depend a little on the Template you are using, but in Joomla for example that tb is a PHP CMS it is good to create an area of the site that is restricted to logged in users. All done via Mysql and Phpmyadmin, not much mystery.

  • The question does not make much sense, wordpress, as well as other CMS, It is precisely to create backends simple and fast, not that can not be used to create pages "static" (will be dynamic, but will not have a content administration part), but does not make sense

  • You can learn how to create themes in worpdress, study some php and how the basics of wordpress work and you will already be able to create a theme and use your knowledge of javascript, html and css.

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