Fill in combobox on web page via VBA


Viewed 222 times


I am trying through VBA in Excel, fill a combobox on a website.

But when I run the code, that error message comes up saying that "the object does not accept this property or method". The part of the HTML code of the website is this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The Combobox I need to fill is type "text", and I will insert a zip code:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My code is written like this:

IE.Document.getElementByName("zipcode").innertext = "13214661"

I’ve already altered it, trying to use the document.all, document.GetElementByID, document.GetElementByClass, etc. Anyway, even not knowing HTML, I made some attempts. Someone can help me?

1 answer


Add a time using Sleep before attempting to insert the zip code. outside the functions, preferably at the top type:

Declare Ptrsafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (Byval dwMilliseconds As Long)

And within the code, above the line : IE.Document.getElementByName("zipcode"). innertext = "13214661"

Put Sleep 1000 '1 second time

For some reasons you may have tried searching for the element without having finished loading the page.

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