Custom password window for the same page


Viewed 82 times


I wanted to put a password on the page when it is accessed(simple), in a window (Alert type) with password that appears before loading the page, I wanted this custom "Alert" like a modal or any custom window...

very simple even people is childish page...

code I’m using:

<script language=javascript>
senha = '123456';
senhadig = prompt("Digite a senha","")
if (senha != senhadig){

Important that you can not see the background before entering the correct password...

As above but wanted to leave customized, can be with jquery, I’ve looked on sites about dialog boxes but could not...

I am not worried about safety, it is for small children (students), for they do not advance without permission. but I put in unescape and use noscript =D

  • 1

    If you already know it could be a modal, why don’t you try doing it using a modal?

  • 'cause I can’t put a password code in the modal, just a window

1 answer


You can put that div as overlay, it works the same way and you can customize with css and add new elements HTML to your liking.

document.getElementById("concluir").onclick = function senha() {
  var senha = '123456';
  var senhadig = document.getElementById("senha").value;

  if (senha == senhadig){
  }else if (senha != senhadig){
#over {
.inp {
  margin:30px auto;
.con {
  margin:30px auto;
#senha {
    width: 100%;
    border: none;
    background: #E9EAEC;
    color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
    font-size: 2em;
		transition: all .5s linear;
#senha:hover, #senha:focus, #concluir:focus{
	outline: 0;
	transition: all .5s linear;
	box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 10px #777;
#concluir {
  border: 2px solid #ddd;
.label {
  padding:15px 15px 15px 0;
  color: #7e9ebc;
  font-size: 20px;
<div id="over">
<div class="inp">
<label class="label" for="password">Digite a senha</label>
<input type="password" id="senha"/><br>
<button id="concluir">CONCLUIR</button>

  • Put the script just above </body>
  • If you want the redirect to replace the current location then it is not possible to return to the page just by clicking back use: window.location.replace in place of window.location.href
  • Placed document.getElementById("concluir").onclick = so that when inspecting the botton not easily delivered which script is running the function, but if it doesn’t work delete and add onclick="senha()" in the button thus:
    <button id="concluir" onclick="senha()">CONCLUIR</button>
  • here is working just the way I wanted but when I went to try to stay static as if the function did not work, I don’t know what is wrong to put the script, css and normal html, I tried even in an html file but tbm was not

  • put the script just above </body>

  • ta the same way, just shows this window stop you click and nd

  • updated the response

  • 1

    I was able to thank you for this and for yesterday’s reply

  • uncle mark I’m with a little problem, I use a frame that on a certain page takes the whole page and even I put this password outside the frame it opens over the password, so I tried to use the display:None and display:block but with me never works kkkk how to put in the code that pro id of iframe do with q iframe only opens after the correct password?

  • added z-index in the answer, but you can copy and paste into the css of your code. In #over cole z-index:999999;, the z-index determines the depth of the element, I put 999999 to make sure that nothing will be above, but you can put as you prefer

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