Check whether double variable is empty or numeric


Viewed 548 times


How can I check if the variable a, b or c were not informed, and if in case they were not informed return all the code ?

How can I also check if the letter "x" for the variable was entered in the console To and set the same as double 1.00 ... Thank you!

double a, b, c, x1, x2, delta;
String[] dados = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');

a = double.Parse(dados[0]);
b = double.Parse(dados[1]);
c = double.Parse(dados[2]);
delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
  • Are you saying to check if the variables reported in Bhaskara or if they were not defined in the Runtime?

  • Check that they have not been given by the user in Runtime

  • good logic is five variables that must be informed, correct? if data does not have 5 positions the data has not been informed and if even informed are not certain is also another problem, it would not be more logical to put a repetition structure to solve this problem?

  • Actually there are 3 variables a, b and c, the others I just declared them as double. How can I make a repeat loop to check if the a, b and c were not informed ? I started programming in C# for now.

1 answer


Simply use the method Tryparse that converts a string for a number double, the first parameter of the method is the string to be converted and the second is the result in double equivalent to the first parameter.

See the example adapted to your case:

var valores = ReadLine().Split(' ');
if (double.TryParse(valores[0],  out var r1) && double.TryParse(valores[1],  out var r2) && double.TryParse(valores[2],  out var r3))
    WriteLine($"{r1} {r2} {r3}");

Also, there is no need to worry about exceptions, it returns false if the conversion fails, and true if it succeeds.

Now, your modified code would look like this:

var valores = ReadLine().Split(' ');
if (double.TryParse(valores[0],  out var a) && double.TryParse(valores[1],  out var b) && double.TryParse(valores[2],  out var c))
    double x1, x2;
    double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
    WriteLine($"Delta: {delta}");


2 12 1.1


Delta: 135.2

See working on .NET Fiddle.


Return all the code, I think you meant to change the execution flow of the program. For this case, you can use a loop.

There are many things that can be improved in the code below, I used as illustration:

public static void Main() {
    var loop = true;        
    do {            
        var valores = ReadLine().Split(' ');            
        if (valores.Length == 3) {                             
            if (double.TryParse(valores[0],  out var a) && 
                double.TryParse(valores[1],  out var b) && 
                double.TryParse(valores[2],  out var c)) {
                double x1, x2;
                double delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
                WriteLine($"\n\nDelta: {delta}");
                loop = false;
            else {                
                WriteLine("\nValores invalidos.\n");
        else { 
            WriteLine("\nQuantidade de parametros invalidos. Informe 3 parametros.\n");
    } while (loop);                    

In the example I used the do-while, it is executed at least once, different from the while which can be run zero or more times. The boolean variable loop indicates the program stop condition, when it is false the program leaves the loop while and finish. Since we are using a vector it is necessary to verify that the indexes are valid not to launch an exception, we check in

if (valores.Length == 3) { ...

for three elements.

See all the code working on .NET Fiddle.

  • Not so good, mate. I would like the console to check if the value of a,b and c were informed by the user, and if they were not, return to where it informs dnv that in the case is the main

  • @PLINIORODRIGUES console does not check values, class Console serves to represent the input and output data for your program, the method TrayParse who has the responsibility to verify that the values are valid. And there is no call to function main be executed mias of a made, she is executed only once. If you want the program to re-request the data if it is invalid, you need a loop. Soon I will edit my answer and show how it would look.

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