This is the code that receives the post
if (isset($_POST['idModal'])) {
$result = mysqli_query($conn,
$query="UPDATE tb_cartao
SET mtpag=Cartão, doc='$_POST[docModal]' , nome='$_POST[nomeModal]', tpdesp='$_POST[tpdespModal]', fornecedor='$_POST[fornecedorModal]', centrocusto='$_POST[centrocusto]', dataemiss='$_POST[dataemissModal]', datavenc='$_POST[datavencModal]', val='$_POST[valModal]', parcela='$_POST[parcelaModal]', banco='$_POST[bancoModal]', cartao='$_POST[cartaoModal]', pag='$_POST[pagModal]'
WHERE id ='$_POST[idModal]'");
mysqli_query($conn, $query);
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<h4><i class="icon fa fa-check"></i> Sucesso!</h4>
O Cartao foi Alterado com sucesso!
Your question makes no sense. Read the [Ask] guide and see how to improve it. By the way, why run twice the
? The first you catch the return on$result
and the second you only perform. All very confusing.– Woss
Thank you for your remark
– Raphael Filipe