Increase Module Speed bluetooth HC-05


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Hello, I have a project with Arduino and the Bluetooth module HC-05 that gets the MACS of Bluetooth devices around (not connect, just search). It works, but I would like it to perform better by capturing, for example, devices that pass quickly through the HC-05 (at the moment it only captures the BT if the slave is around for at least 2 seconds). That is, I would like it to work faster, capturing for example, if the device stays for 1 second in the HC-05 range.

  • First, I tried to adjust the Baude-rate (from 9600 to 1382400) of serial communication with the module, but tested and does not influence anything or almost anything.

  • Then I tried to adjust the period and duration of the search process by the AT+IPSCAN command, but for any value I set, they also produce very similar results.

I thought I might not be setting the parameters, but I tested with "AT+IPSCAN?" and "AT+UART?" and the values that appear are the ones I set.

I found this strange, but I could not find the solution. Does anyone know what could be?

  • Your question seems to be more about electronics than programming, so I don’t think it fits the scope of the site. You can be more about this by doing the [tour], reading the [Ask] guide or by going to [help].

  • I think it has to do with the device’s own construction, if possible read the datasheet should have something about it. And as Anderson said, it’s a little out of the scope of the site. Log in here

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