How to edit the title of ALL Alerts in the Ionic app, and not just one?


Viewed 46 times


By following the Ionic documentation, I can edit the title of an Alert using the one taught in the following link:insert link description here

However, when Alert is fired from within an iframe, it is shown as a "natural" android Alert, something that doesn’t suit my app. How can I make a change to ALL titles of ALL Alerts, even those that are fired by iframe?

1 answer


I made an app using ionic v1 using the same properties as the documentation of ionic v3 and it worked for me. Follow below what I used:

      title: titulo,
      subTitle: subtitle,
          border-radius: 7px !important;
        .popup-head { 
          background: ${backgroundTitulo} !important;
          border-top-left-radius: 7px !important;
          border-top-right-radius: 7px !important; 
        .popup-title {
          color: ${corTitulo} !important;
          color: ${corTitulo} !important;
          font-weight: normal;
          font-size: 12pt;
          background: ${background} !important;
          /*color:#fff !important;
          font-size:24px !important;*/
          text-align: center;
          background: ${background} !important;
          border-bottom-left-radius: 7px !important;
          border-bottom-right-radius: 7px !important;
        .popup-buttons .button {
          color: ${corBotaoTexto} !important;
        .popup-buttons .button {
          background: ${corBotao} !important;
          color: ${corBotaoTexto} !important;
          box-shadow: none !important;
          border-radius: 5px !important;
      ,buttons: [
        { // Array[Object] (optional). Buttons to place in the popup footer.
          text: 'Não',
          type: 'button-default',
          onTap: function(e) {
            if( cancelCallback != null){
            return e;
          text: 'Sim',
          type: 'button-positive',
          onTap: function(e) {
            if(confirmCallback != null){
            return e;

Note: what is inside ${...}, which is the string interpolator of javascript ES2015, are javascript variables that I define in my code.

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