Return row count of a query


Viewed 44 times


I’m trying to validate a login using line count of a query, but I’m not getting it:

My connection is like this:

try {
  $PDO = new PDO('mysql:host=' . HOST . ';dbname=' . DB, USER, PASS );
  $PDO->exec("set names utf8");
} catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo 'Erro de conexão ao Banco de Dados: ' . $e->getMessage();

My form is like this:

<form class="userform" id="frmLogin" method="post" action="verifica_usuario.php">
    <input type="text" size="35" id="usuario" name="usuario"  value="<?php echo $_POST['usuario']; ?>" />

    <input type="password" size="35" class="bradius" id="senha" name="senha" value="<?php echo $_POST['senha']; ?>" />

    <spam  class="button" ><a href="#" class="button"  onClick="frmLogin.submit();" onMouseOver="window.status='';return true" /> Entrar</a>

The Page that does the validation is like this:

session_start();  // Inicia a session
include "libraries/conn.php";

@$usuario = $_POST['usuario'];
@$senha = $_POST['senha'];

$senhacrip = md5($senha);
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE usuario='{$usuario}' AND senha='{$senhacrip}' AND ativado='S'");
    $login_check = mysql_num_rows($sql);

However, when executing the code, the browser returns the message:

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects Parameter 1 to be Resource, Boolean Given in D: xampp htdocs n_archaeus verifica_usuario.php on line 22

  • printa o var_dump($sql); para saber o que está chegando. e tb var_dump("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE usuario='{$usuario}' AND password='{$senhacrip}' AND activator=’S'"); to see the select q is mounting

  • 1

    You are opening the connection using PDO and using mysql to work in the bank. Study a little about the PDO library so you don’t need to use another library to access the bank.

1 answer


If your connection uses PDO continue to work with PDO

$sql = $PDO->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usuarios WHERE usuario='{$usuario}' AND senha='{$senhacrip}' AND ativado='S'");
$login_check = $sql->fetchColumn();
echo $login_check; //retorna 1 caso haja usuario e 0 se não houver

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