Client-Server between APP trackeia real-time location


Viewed 57 times


Hello, we have an app that sends every 15 seconds the location of users to the server. Currently it is a simple POST from (lat/lng) in the API, there would be another better way to do this?

Some specific architecture?

1 answer


I don’t think there’s a specific architecture for that, I’m just gonna make a few recommendations.

It is interesting to save the positions within a table in the Sqlite within the app itself for times when there is no internet available and download them to the server when there is one. It’s called buffering. I suggest the following procedure:

Every 15 seconds:

  • Captures a position;
  • Guard at the table;
  • If there is Internet, do a select bringing the (say) fifty last positions and try to send them to the server.

Note the capture date-time, it is different from the upload date-time and the arrival date on the server. Perhaps it is interesting for you to treat these values as separate things.

Otherwise, the approach seems ok.

Consider storing as much information as you can about each position (date-time, lat, lng, altitude, speed, direction, IMEI or other device identifier, etc.), may be useful one day.

If the number of users grows too large, you may need to be careful about the sending frequency so as not to overload the server (reduce to an interval between one and five minutes, for example).

  • @piozevan, we are experiencing difficulties at peak times, where drivers are performing races more frequently and the time that is sent to the server location becomes 15 seconds...

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