Laravel activitylog, error in implementation


Viewed 144 times


I’m following the documentation of the site:, but I’m not able to implement the option below:

Setting a You can specify on which Object the Activity is performed by using performedOn:


$lastActivity = Activity::all()->last(); //returns the last logged activity

$lastActivity->subject; //returns the model that was passed to `performedOn`;
The performedOn-function has a shorter alias name: on

When I try to pass the parameters in the controller it generates error in performedOn($someContentModel), would like to know what should I use instead of the $someContentModel variable.

1 answer


You should use the "return" of a MODEL of yours.. ex:

$someContentModel = User::first();
  • It worked, I was passing the parameter ::all() so it didn’t work. Thanks friend!

  • Not to impose, but do you know how you use the -> Using the Causesactivity trait documentation? I’m not able to implement it, I believe it serves to monitor what each user did in the log system, it would be very useful.

  • You call l Trait inside your MODEL it gives the example here

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