C# flow chart/organisation chart component


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I am making a desktop application for product configuration, having as selection fields various options related to them, eg: model, voltage, application... where when selecting each one, the other ones below are filtered according to what exists registered in the database, ex: when selecting model x, in a voltage combobox will be filtered the options for this model.

So far so good, it’s quite simple, the problem is that the client needs to have the functionality mentioned above and also a representation of the possible "paths" through a kind of flowchart or organization chart, as in the image below.

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In the image above the representation starts for example with the 2 possible models, then the configuration possibilities for each one.

I researched a lot about components to make this kind of representation, already having the data registered and related in the flock, but I was not successful.

  • This is possible to do with a UserControl where the information of each node is aggregated and then lines are used for the links, but it is not very simple to implement. The nodes are all the same?

  • Ever tried using Treeview? The representation would look a little different but the result would be the same

1 answer


Is there an explicit need for this flowchart to be generated automatically? I imagined here that this type of flowchart can have several particularities, since it is a product configuration, and can make it unviable, depending on your need.

In case this need is not explicit, I recommend enabling a key user to construct this flowchart manually, by means of a screen that makes it possible. Using only Canvas, Rectangle, Path and Grid is possible to do this without problems. The final product would look like a kind of Paint.

  • 1

    That’s exactly what I started to do, and it’s attending very well. Still, thank you

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