Error sending package with scapy


Viewed 47 times


Guys I’m taking the course Python for Hackers, but I came across a problem in the class about HOW TO CREATE YOUR FIRST PACKAGE. I can create the package, but I can’t send it through mr(), sr1(), srloop(), srloop1(), etc.. I always come across this error here:

fail 1: IP / TCP > S

Does anyone have any idea what it could be and how I can fix it? I’ve searched the internet but I couldn’t find the solution (actually I couldn’t find anyone who had this problem)

Note: Scapy is installed correctly, I already ran python as sudo and these were the commands I ran to create and send my package:

from scapy.all import *
ip = IP(dst="")
tcp = TCP(dport=80)
pkt = ip/tcp

When I rotate these commands only appear a bit of dots, then I use the srloop() to see what happened, and when I turn this command, the exit I have is the mistake I presented. If anyone has any idea what it might be and how to fix it, please help me.

1 answer


Problem solved. My router works with ip other than this, but when I run commands to check the connection ip, this is the ip that appears.

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