Connect my pc database to hosting


Viewed 28 times


I want to connect the hosting in the local database of my PC I am using linux. I have ports 1604 and 8080 open. When I access my ip:port on an external network, I can access my website. But when I access the hosting, it does not connect to the local database.

$Conn = mysqli_connect('200.22X.XX.XXX', 'exemploUser', 'exemploPass', 'bank','8080');

  • 1

    Friend, port 8080 is used for http. Banks if mysql is usually on port 3306, or a larger one. Better you find out which door your bank is listening to.

  • It happens q n have the port 3306 open on my network, I put the 1604 in mysql and 8080 in apache

  • So you must connect in 1604, can not connect through this port? gives some error?

  • I’ve already connected

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