Heroku task scheduler to run PHP script


Viewed 196 times


I need to run a PHP script in Heroku with the task scheduler, I’m reading this article but I don’t understand. Some idea?

1 answer


I’m not sure what you mean by "performing my own scheduled tasks manually." To cron specifically, you need access to crontab, which they can control, as they are your servers. If you have another way to do it, it would probably be good, but keep in mind that your application is not linked to a specific server when running on Heroku, and that the server will change between runs.

Also, unless you have changed since the last time I checked, you can perform daily cron tasks for free, but every hour costs $3 / mo.

And of course good news crons are free using this addon:


  • I didn’t say that : "perform my own manually scheduled tasks". But thanks for the tip already worked out all right, later put a tutorial showing how to do.

  • perfect hope I’ve helped

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