Problems using Jsbarcode and PHP


Viewed 128 times


I’m having trouble using Jsbarcode and PHP. I dynamically feed the codes through a list. But when using the code within the bar code loop which is the following:

<img id="barcode"/>
        var codigo = '<?php echo $codigo_barra['codigo_barras'];?>';
        JsBarcode("#barcode", codigo , {
          lineColor: "#0cc"

it repeatedly generates only 1 code and I have 4 different codes generated in the variable $codigo_barra['codigo_barras']. What am I doing wrong in this case?

Below the full code of the page.

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/etiquetas.css">
  <script src='js/JsBarcode.all.min.js'></script>

  <?php foreach($codigo_barras as $codigo_barra):
    <div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
  <div class="card-body">
      <input type="hidden" name="codigo_barras" value="<?=$codigo_barra['codigo_barras'];?>">
      <table class="table table-bordered">
       $produtos_grade = buscaCompraProdutoGrade($conexao, $id_compra, $codigo_barra['id_sequencia']);
       foreach ($produtos_grade as $produto_grade):
         <div class="form-group">
         <div><kbd><label for="inputCity">
         <b><label for="inputCity"><?=$produto_grade['quantidade'];?></label></b>
     <?php endforeach ?>
      <div>Data previsão: <b><?php
      $data = date_create($codigo_barra['previsao']);
      echo date_format($data,'d/m/Y');?>
        <img id="barcode"/>
        var codigo = '<?php echo $codigo_barra['codigo_barras'];?>';
        JsBarcode("#barcode", codigo , {
          lineColor: "#0cc"
        <?php echo $codigo_barra['codigo_barras'];?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
  • Not knowing how you generated the value of $codigo_barra['codigo_barras'], how was the value generated and how should be impossible to answer.

  • I edited the question with full code

  • id should be unique, you’re repeating the id barcode. And the function JSBarcode is pointed fixed to a single id

  • so if I put the barcode as its own id and game in the Jsbarcode function it gives the error: Jsbarcode.all.min.js:2 Uncaught Domexception: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': '#000120000001000063002001' is not a Valid selector. That is, the library itself makes a querySelectorAll

  • The ID used is invalid for CSS, see this thread: or in this link:

1 answer


Apparently, your problem is a matter of the selector being used incorrectly.

You have two ways to solve your problem.

The first is to create a unique id for each time you loop:

foreach($codigo_barras as $key => $codigo_barra):
    $idBarcode = "barcode{$key}";

And, replace fixed id:

<img id="<?= $idBarcode; ?>"/>
    var codigo = '<?php echo $codigo_barra['codigo_barras'];?>';
    JsBarcode("#<?= $idBarcode; ?>", codigo , {
      lineColor: "#0cc"

Another is to use the properties jsbarcode-*and the function init of the library:

<img class="barcode"
  jsbarcode-value="<?= $codigo_barra['codigo_barras']; ?>"
  jsbarcode-lineColor= "#0cc" />

Just initialize with the following command:


Since the values are directly in the HTML tag and are using the class barcode, no problem at all.


  • Dude, that first option to replace the fixed id worked perfectly. Thank you very much. Hugs.

  • Both options work, it’s just the convenience of choosing one or the other.

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