open a new Activity by clicking an item in the listview


Viewed 77 times


I created a listview but I’m not sure which command should I make for my items to open a new activity for each one.

Below follows my code until the moment:

public class pg_apoio extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ListView listadeapoio = (ListView) findViewById(;
        ArrayAdapter adapter = new listaapoioadapter(this, adicionarguias());

        listadeapoio.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
            public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(pg_apoio.this, pg_bjcp.class);


    private ArrayList<listaapoio> adicionarguias() {
        ArrayList<listaapoio> listaapoios = new ArrayList<listaapoio>();

        listaapoio e = new listaapoio ("Guia BJCP 2015", "guia em portugûes",R.drawable.pdf_icon);

        e= new listaapoio("Lupulo", "Guia de lupulos", R.drawable.hop1);

        e= new listaapoio("Levedura", "Guia de leveduras", R.drawable.yeast_icon);

        e= new listaapoio("Harmonização", "Guia de harmonização com cerveja", R.drawable.harmo_icon);

        e= new listaapoio("Taças", "Guia de taças para cada estilo", R.drawable.beerglass_icon);

        e= new listaapoio("Receitas", "Receitas prontas", R.drawable.receita_icon);

        e= new listaapoio("Links" ,"Canais de cervejeiros artesanais", R.drawable.youtubelogo_icon);

        e= new listaapoio("teste", "teste da lista", R.drawable.pdf_icon);

        return listaapoios;


  • "items open a new Activity for each" - how so ? This Intent intent = new Intent(pg_apoio.this, pg_bjcp.class); startActivity(intent); already makes each one open in a new Activity.

1 answer


In the method, public void onItemClick(Adapterview adapterView, View, int i, long l), it returns the data from the list item you clicked. Example this code piece of code

       listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
            OrdemServico ordemServico = (OrdemServico) parent.getAdapter().getItem(position)

I’m retrieving the object that is related to the listview item, so I just take some attribute from it. Ex: if(ordemServico.getId = x){ go here } Ex: if(ordemServico.getId = y){ go there}

How will that support list return and

  • William, thank you so much for the tip helped me a lot!

  • Anything, any doubt I can help, just talk

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