Error 500 when accessing any page in Joomla 3.x


Viewed 63 times


I downloaded the government’s default identity from Joomla 3.x through the repository, concluded the development of the site and tested in different environments, both linux and windows, and both seemed to run OK, but when hosting the application, all pages returned me error 500, and I could not access the site, I tried to change the data of my . htaccess as such:

 ## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
 # Options +FollowSymlinks

and also:

RewriteBase /

I checked if the database variables were correct, and the log addresses, and everything seems to be ok, which more can be done to fix?

  • Call your hosting server support, it may be that it crashed there, 5xx errors are server errors. No more messages appear on the screen?

  • No message appears on the screen, or in the log folder

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