Entityexception when connecting to remote database


Viewed 324 times


When connecting to the local bank, the application works 100%. However, when I try to connect to sql server remotely (on a redehost server), the application raises the following Exception:

Below is the error and the connectionstring.

add name="Defaultconnection" connectionString="Data Source=HOST; Initial Catalog=bancodados;Integrated Security=True; persist security info=False;User ID=ID; Password=PASSWORD;" providerName="System.Data.Sqlclient"

{"The network path was not found"}

Is there any configuration in db or in the application that makes this connection impossible?

  • You can connect to this server via SQL Server Management Studio?

  • Once it happened to me, that in the place of the HOST I was passing the IP and did not even go with reza braba. Then I passed like this: Name_server Name_instance and I was able to connect. I don’t know if you have tried.

1 answer


For any remote connection to SQL you need to pass the IP\Nome_da_instancia. It may also be the Nome_Servidor\Nome_da_instancia, but then you depend on the name-solving part working properly. Also, make sure you can connect from SQL Server Management Studio. There are settings to be made on the host to allow remote connections.

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