Calling functions in ngClass


Viewed 415 times


I’d like to call in functions in the ngClass. I was able to call only the function, and if I want to call other classes it does not take, if I just put the function in the class it can call(ng-class="styleClass(5)"), but I want some classes to always be and others can be changed by other validations. When I take the function from the example, it works all right.

Follow the Example:


$scope.styleClass = function(i) {
      return 'bg';
  return ''


First Name: <input type="text" ng-class="{'text':true, 'padd':true, 'styleClass(5)':true}" ng-model="firstName"><br>
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2 answers


I talked to some friends and found a way, which is

ng-class="[styleClass(5),{'text': true, 'padd': true}]"
  • It probably works that way too ng-class="[styleClass(5), 'text', 'padd']"

  • 1

    yes, it works but so can not put conditionals if necessary


You can mix the attribute class (with fixed classes) with the ng-class for function return:

<input type="text" class="text padd" ng-class="styleClass(5)" ng-model="firstName">
  • is that I have to do other validations of other classes in ng-class

  • 1

    I talked to some friends of mine and found a way, which is ng-class="[styleClass(5),{'text': true, 'padd': true}]"

  • @Eduardobobato if you want you can insert this as another answer

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