ng-repeat with mysql database data


Viewed 60 times


I have 02 tables in the bank (Prospect and opportunity) the two tables have the prospectId. As I do to display in ng-repeat. I was trying to Inner Join in the php query and returns this error in the angular "Error: [ngRepeat:dupes]". Do you have an example.

/* Lista oportunidade */ 
$scope.listaOportunidades = []; 
var carregaOportunidades = function () { 
     .then(function (response) { 
            $scope.listaOportunidades =; 

require '../../vendor/autoload.php';

use App\controllers\DB\Conn;

$PDO = new Conn;

$query = $PDO->getConn()->prepare('SELECT * FROM tb_prospect INNER JOIN tb_oportunidade ON tb_prospect.prospectId=oportunidadeCliente');

while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
    $return[]= $row;
echo json_encode($return);

1 answer


More information is needed to understand what is happening in your code:

  • HTML code where you are using the directive;
  • List returned by your Query;

By error, there are duplicate items (in the understanding of angular) during ng-repeat:

This way, I believe that using the example below will work:

<div ng-repeat="valor in listaOportunidades track by valor.VALOR_UNICO_DO_REGISTRO"></div>

I also suggest that you review the query.

  • This part I’ve managed to solve now returns the data right, I’m able to get the data of the tables with Inner Join. Thanks!

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