PASSWORD_BCRYPT - Does not work with Fopen


Viewed 35 times



I use the PASSWORD_BCRYPT function to encrypt my passwords. When I use the code below:

    //conteudo do pass.txt é: yW9ujS
    $arquivo = fopen('/tmp/pass.txt','r+');
    $linha = fgets($arquivo);
    $senha = password_hash($linha, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [cost => 12]);
     echo "$senha";

Generates a hash as expected. Saved this Hash in the database and when I try to access in my application with the user and password (yW9ujS) it says that the password is invalid.

In case I use the command below:

 //conteudo do pass.txt é: yW9ujS
        $arquivo = "yW9ujS";
        $senha = password_hash($arquivo, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [cost => 12]);
         echo "$senha";

A hash is generated and when I save this new hash in the database, I do an access test on the application, and the access happens.

It seems that when I use fopen, some "Trash" is added during the process and PASWORD_BCRYPT ends up encrypting everything together and the hash ends up changing.

If I just send an echo in $line, it appears exactly the password that is in the pass.txt file

$linha = fgets($arquivo);

One wonders what it can be?

  • It wasn’t easier to use file_get_contents?

  • Yes, I used this function too : $linhas = file_get_contents("/tmp/pass.txt");
$senha = password_hash($linhas, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [cost => 12]);
echo $senha, it generates a hash and I set this hash in the non-log bank. If I set a variable with the same password and call the function above, it generates a new hash, Seto in the database and log.

  • He returns like this $2y$12$oFYcRX2SKgg3b5rn0lNylu0WtUCo58tWNm66jmtcIKwQ8AdAQiW4y[root@ scripts]# while setting the password manually returns like this $2y$12$.4x5s/pWzNXjlvXLlDvNH.gkHjgH0B5Bvct2FABcTFCHGBY5EKPsW., I believe that this return with root... is generating the problem.

  • Dear, really the problem was some junk in the process, I used the functions trim, preg_replace('/s(?=s)/', '' , preg_replace('/[nrt]/', ' ' and it worked.

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