Terms used in the CSS


Viewed 75 times


Knowing that CSS literally means Cascade Style Sheets, regularly see the term "property" being used to refer to left, width, top, background etc..

The following question arose before me:

Is this reference correct? If so, then what are the "styles" referred to by the name "Style" in the CSS acronym?

1 answer


Property is only one of the components of a style.

CSS can be understood (in a very simplified way) as a simple list of properties/values pairs applied to an HTML element.

This is clearer if you think of the style in line. Example:

<h1 style="color:blue;text-align:center">Isto é um cabeçalho azul</h1>

Note that the attribute sytle applies a property/value pair list to the tag h1.

left, width, top, background are properties.

You can only consider a style when these properties are applied to an element:

div {
   background-color: lightblue;
  • If you see the meaning of the word style, you will see that one of the meanings is : "set of formal features that identify an object.". So yes, a group of properties/values bounded by {} can be considered a style

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