Dompdf does not load with 80mmx30mm file


Viewed 68 times


I am trying to generate a PDF to be printed as label size 80x30, but when setting this size the PDF does not load. Larger dimensions normally load.

$customPaper = array(0,0,80,30);
$dompdf->set_paper($customPaper, 'portrait');

The page is in PHP and takes time to load, gives error as if the maximum load time was reached.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Gets some mistake !

  • The page takes time to load, and gives error as if the maximum load time was reached.

  • Put the whole code to evaluate, but to test reduce to the simplest example, just a blank page with these dimensions and build from there

  • I removed the content that would go in the table and uploaded the PDF. I realized that I did not convert the dimensions to pixel and PDF content was larger than the file dimensions. Thank you!

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