I need to change an object to where the mouse is clicked, I’m trying to do with a point to start. I already managed to capture the mouse position but it comes in pixel and I need this value in centimeter. Below an excerpt of the code.
gl.glColor3f(0f, 0f, 0f);
Function that captures the mouse position in pixel
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
System.out.println("Evento do mouse");
switch (e.getButton()) {
case MouseEvent.BUTTON1:
p1= e.getX();
p2= e.getY();
Larissa, please provide a [mcve] so that it is possible to analyze the code better.
– user28595
Pixel in centimeters is relative. For this you have to know the ratio Pixel by Centimeters or Pixels by Inch. Why you need the measure in centimeters?
– William John Adam Trindade
I find that doubt very vague, very difficult to try to help with so little information.
– paulocanedo
when clicking with the mouse in any part of the window the drawing (or a part of it) should be redrawn at the point where the mouse was pressed.
– Larissa silva