Dialog to feed Form field


Viewed 440 times


On my page there are fields that are tabulated data, where the user must select an existing data in the table

For simple case, I’m using the <select><option> of html fed a table reading via php, but I came across a case where the data of a table is many. With this the combo gets too big and the page gets heavy to load.

I would like to know how to insert a kind of button that calls a dialog which will display the table with the values, where the user can click on the data and this be sent to the form.

$(Function() { $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(); }); $(Function() { $( "#tabs" ).tabs(); });
            <title>Dober System</title>
                 <div id="container">
                            <form action="../../function/funcoes.php"" name="inserir_C" id="inserir_C" method="POST">
                        <div id="Cliente">
                                    <fieldset id="Cliente">
                                            <legend><b>Dados Gerais: </b></legend>
                                            <label for="CODIGO">
                                            Código:<input type="text" name="CODIGO" id="CODIGO" MAXLENGTH="4" value="" onKeyUp="javascript:somente_numero(this);" required/>
                                            <label for="NOME">
                                            Nome:<input name="NOME" id="NOME" MAXLENGTH="50" value="" />
                                            <label for="NOMEABR">
                                            Nome Abreviado:<input name="NOMEABR" id="NOMEABR" MAXLENGTH="20" value="" />
                                            <label for="GRUPO">
                                            $rs = mysql_query("SELECT ID,DESCRICAO FROM FINANCEIRO.GRUPO ORDER BY ID"); 
                                            montaCombo('GRP_cmb', $rs, 'ID', 'DESCRICAO',null);
                                            <label for="REPRES">
                                            $rs = mysql_query("SELECT CODIGO,ID FROM FINANCEIRO.REPRESENTANTE ORDER BY CODIGO");    
                                            montaCombo('REPRE_cmb', $rs, 'CODIGO', 'ID',null);
                                            <label for="TRANSP">
                                            $rs = mysql_query("SELECT CODIGO,NOME FROM FINANCEIRO.TRANSPORTADORA ORDER BY CODIGO"); 
                                            montaCombo('TRANSP_cmb', $rs, 'CODIGO', 'NOME',null);
                                            <!--<label for="DATA">
                                            Data Implant.:<input type="text" name="DATA" id="datepicker" MAXLENGTH="10" value="" />

            function montaCombo($nome, $rs, $valor, $descricao,$cmb)
            echo("<select name='$nome' class='styled-select'>");
            echo("<option selected='selected'></option>");
            while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($rs))
            echo("t<option value='".$obj->$valor."' > ".$obj->$valor.":". $obj->$descricao." </option>");
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($cmb);
            $a= $row[$valor];
            echo ("<option value=\"$a\" selected>$a:$b</option></select>");
            echo ("</select>");
  • You should enter the form code and php q code creates the table

  • Thiago, that dit that is to be approved is yours?

1 answer


Recital 2 archives php table.:

                    <td>Linha1 -Valor 1</td><td>Linha1 -Valor 2</td><td>Linha1 -Valor 3</td><td>Linha1 -Valor 4</td>
                    <td>Linha2 -Valor 1</td><td>Linha2 -Valor 2</td><td>Linha2 -Valor 3</td><td>Linha2 -Valor 4</td>
                    <td>Linha3 -Valor 1</td><td>Linha3 -Valor 2</td><td>Linha3 -Valor 3</td><td>Linha3 -Valor 4</td>


html form.:

        <!DOCTYPE html>
                <title>TODO supply a title</title>
                <meta charset="UTF-8">
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
                <script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
                    #dialog table {background: #eeeeee;}
                    #dialog table tr td{padding:3px;border:1px solid #ccc;}
                    #dialog table tr td:hover{box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #333;background:#fefefe;cursor:pointer;
                    <input type="text" id="nome" name="nome"> <span id="buscar">Buscar</span>
                <div id="dialog" style="display: none;" title="tabela">
                    <table border="1">
                            <td>Linha1 -Valor 1</td><td>Linha1 -Valor 2</td><td>Linha1 -Valor 3</td><td>Linha1 -Valor 4</td>
                            <td>Linha2 -Valor 1</td><td>Linha2 -Valor 2</td><td>Linha2 -Valor 3</td><td>Linha2 -Valor 4</td>
                            <td>Linha3 -Valor 1</td><td>Linha3 -Valor 2</td><td>Linha3 -Valor 3</td><td>Linha3 -Valor 4</td>


                <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
                        url: "tabela.php",
                        dataType: 'text',
                        success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {

                    $("#nome").focus(function() {
                    $('#dialog').delegate('td', 'click', function() {


  • Thank you for your reply. That’s almost what I need, but I would like the table to be demonstrated in another way, like when it darkens the background a little and the screen focuses on the new window.

  • ai Voce will need in jquery ui instead of $("#name"). Focus(Function() { $("#dialog").show(); }); Put : $("#name"). Focus(Function() { $("#dialog").dialog(); }); and pronto ta ae

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