Create multiple PHP variables in the same function


Viewed 188 times


I need a very simple function, but I couldn’t find anything related in my research.

I need a function where I can insert items, and then print these items on another page.


    function funcaoExibe() {
 $var = 'none1';
 $var = 'email2';
 $var = 'telefone3';
    echo $var;

Created the function, I need to display all the values of the variables inserted within the function, something like that:

   <?= funcaoExibe(); ?>

No resultado aparece somente:


I need the three shown, one on each line.

Any idea how I can do it?

  • places echo within the function

  • It is that the function will stay on one page, and the result on another. It will not all stay in the same PHP file.

  • As you said above, the processing will stay in one file and the result in another. You can return to the html function and display on the desired page.

  • I updated the question, the problem is that I don’t know how to create this function.

  • you are overwriting the variable $var. I could not understand properly what you want. The function should receive 3 arguments and print and not have the values defined within it.

  • You could work with get and set in this case, set puts the information and get the information

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2 answers


You can mount html in a php file and display it in another one like this.


       function ProcessarInformacao($nome, $email, $telefone) {
          $html  = "<div>";
          $html .= "<p>Nome: ".$nome."</p>";
          $html .= "<p>Email: ".$email."</p>";
          $html .= "<p>Telefone: ".$telefone."</p>";
          $html  = "</div>";

          return $html;

//view result.php

echo ProcessarInformacao('Nome Teste', '[email protected]', '(17) 3030-4040');
  • It would not be that, the variables name, email, phone does not exist, I used only as an example. It is that I need to load JS files on a specific page, so I will put inside the function which JS should be loaded on the page, and where it displays the result, will insert the lines with the JS URL.

  • 1

    Reread your question and formulate it correctly, as it is difficult to understand what you need.


You can make the function return an array (array) In the a.php file you enter the information:

a. php

function funcaoExibe( $nome, $email, $telefone ) {
  $retorno = array(
    'nome'  => $nome,
    'email' => $email,
    'fone'  => $telefone
return $retorno;    

Then you choose what you want to show off

  $var = funcaoExibe('Carlos', '[email protected]', '(12)3454-6555');
  echo  $var['nome']."<br>" ;
  echo  $var['email']."<br>" ;
  echo  $var['fone']."<br>" ;

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