manipulating an array to mount the grid


Viewed 54 times


I have an array in php and I need to group the values to be able to place them in a table>phtml

Segue jsonArray You’ll always have these five types of transport.

I couldn’t do much to leave here what’s already been done, the only thing I have is

public function relatorio($dtInicio, $dtFinal) {
        $dbControleVeiculos = new \Db\Fisc\ControleVeiculos();
        $original = iterator_to_array($dbControleVeiculos->getResumoControleVeiculos($dtInicio, $dtFinal));

        $result = array();
        foreach ($original as $data) {
            $id = $data['nome'];
            if (isset($result[$id])) {
                $result[$id][] = $data;
            } else {
                $result[$id] = array($data);

        return $result;
        // return 

My goal is to keep it that way.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


If it’s the sum index, you could do so:

if (isset($result[$id])) {
     $result[$id][] = $data;
     $result[$id]['sum_total] += $data['sum']
} else {
     $result[$id] = array($data);
     $result[$id]['sum_total] += $data['sum']

But it would be more organized if you gave groupBy by name. Then you could do the most complete foreach +/- like this:

foreach($original as $nome => $data) {...}

Where that name would be an index with the value of its name in question

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